

As part of our commitment to fuel efficiency, we have implemented an Idling Policy that all drivers must adhere to. It is the responsibility of each driver to ensure that they consume fuel efficiently and follow the rules outlined below:

  1.  Shut off the truck every time you make a stop for more than 5 minutes.

  2.   If your truck is equipped with an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), you must use it for Cooling Down or Heating Up all the time. If the APU is not functioning properly, you can schedule a service with the Roadside or Fuel Efficiency specialist.

  3.   If the outside temperature is between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and you do not have an APU, you should shut down the truck to conserve fuel.

  4.   If your truck is equipped with a Webasto, you should use it to heat up the cabin if the temperatures are between 36 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

 It is crucial that all drivers adhere to these rules to promote optimal fuel efficiency and reduce unnecessary fuel consumption. By doing so, we can contribute to the overall success of our company while also minimizing our impact on the environment.

Attachment to Policy : 

1.1. In the period from May to September all trucks will shut down automatically after 30 min of idling. 

1.2. In Period from May to September, rules N3 and N4 are not applicable.

1.3. Rules N3 and N4 are applicable only in the period from October to April.


  • As part of our commitment to promoting optimal fuel efficiency and adherence to company policies, disciplinary actions will be taken against drivers who repeatedly violate the fuel efficiency policy. These disciplinary actions are designed to enforce compliance with company policies and ensure the efficient operation of our equipment.

  • After the first violation, fuel efficiency specialists will contact you to remind you to turn off the truck within 5 minutes. After 5 minutes if your truck is still on, the driver will get FIRST FLAG. 

  • After 2 flags, the driver will be sent to the Chicago Office for the intervention with a Fleet Manager. 

  • If a driver receives one more warning of violation of the fuel efficiency policy after intervention, a fine of $50 will be imposed. This warning will serve as a reminder to the driver of the importance of adhering to the policy.

  • If the driver continues to violate the policy after the initial warning, a fine of $100 will be imposed on the second violation. This fine serves as a more serious reminder to the driver of the consequences of non-compliance.

  • On the third violation of the policy, a request for termination of the driver will be sent by Fleet Manager to the HR Department. This action is necessary to ensure compliance with company policies and promote optimal fuel efficiency.

  • We take these disciplinary actions seriously and strive to promote a safe and efficient work environment for all employees. It is the responsibility of each driver to adhere to company policies and promote optimal fuel efficiency at all times.